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Showing posts from July, 2017

Working with Android Shared Preferences

          Shared preferences allows android application to save data in the form of "Key-Value" pair, shared preferences will be an , XML file which will be stored in applications internal storage space under " shared_prefs " folder under data/data/(package name of the application) . Shared Preferences won't clear data after "force close" of an application, it will get cleared only in case of user clears the application data (under settings -> apps -> clear Data) or uninstall an application. Shared preferences can be edited using SharedPreferences.Editor class. APIs to access shared preference below, getDefaultSharedPreferences()  :- Return default shared preference file which is used by PrefrenceManager in the given context. getSharedPreferences(String my_prf_name, int mode) :- Returns shared preference file of the given name. Below are  sample code snippets, 1. Saving data in to the shared preferences, //Retrieve shared prefere